Bravazo / Exquisite: Ms de 600 recetas para cocinar en casa (Spanish Edition)

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$14.18 - $25.16
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Gaston Acurio

Product Overview

Bravazo es un recetario popular que tiene un propsito mayor: invitar al ciudadano curioso a volver a disfrutar del sabor de la cocina hecha en casa.

Para ello pone a disposicin 200 recetas que ofrecen, con un tono cercano y explicaciones sencillas, atajos y tcnicas bsicas para transformar insumos bsicos en platos inolvidables. El fin? Cocinar y compartir. Es decir, que cualquier persona pueda convertirse en un creador que rena a la familia y los amigos alrededor de su cocina.

Gastn Acurio es el ms importante promotor de la gastronoma peruana y es considerado uno de los cocineros ms influyentes del mundo.

Adems, forma parte del consejo asesor internacional del Basque Culinary Center. .

Su restaurante icono es Astrid y Gastn, situado en los primeros puestos de la lista 50 Best mundial y de Amrica Latina. .

Gastn, junto a su esposa Astrid, tienen 34 restaurantes distribuidos en 11 pases, incluyendo Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Estados Unidos, Espaa, Reino Unido, Mxico, Colombia, Venezuela, Panam y Ecuador.


Exquisite is a popular cookbook that has a deeper purpose: to invite curious people to once again enjoy the flavors of homemade cuisine.

A book of the most delicious Peruvian recipes, brought to you by one of the best chefs in the world, Gastn Acurio. Bravazo (a Spanish word commonly used in Peru for exquisite ) is a popular cookbook that has a deeper purpose: to invite curious people to once again enjoy the flavors of homemade cuisine. To that end, this book proposes 200 recipes featuring simple explanations, tips, and easy techniques for transforming basic ingredients into unforgettable dishes. The end result? Cooking and sharing. In other words, anyone can create amazing dishes that bring family and friends together. Gastn Acurio is the most important promoter of Peruvian cuisine, and is considered one of the most influential chefs in the world.

Gastn Acurio is the most important promoter of Peruvian cuisine, and is considered one of the most influential chefs in the world.

Gastn Acurio is a chef, writer, businessman and promoter of the Peruvian culinary arts.

Acurio has many restaurants around the world and in the US, such as La Mar by Gastn Acurio in the Mandarin Oriental in Miami, La Mar San Francisco, and Tanta Chicago, among others.

Astrid y Gaston Restaurant in Lima, Peru, has been nominated number 7 in Latin America's 50 Best Restaurants 2017 and number 33 in The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2017.


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